AVOCADO RECIPE SERIES: DIY facemask {3 Ingredients}

Welcome back to the AVOCADO RECIPE SERIES!

In our first recipe, the sensational Double Chocolate Chip Salted Walnut Cookies were beyond delicious!  Marek and I scarfed down two whole batches in the first week and I vowed not to make them again until my sweet tooth was under control.  Needless to say, who would have thought such a delicious cookie was made with avocado?

Since avocado is so versatile, we are going to jump to the opposite side of the spectrum and show you how to create the easiest face mask around.  Maureen has struggled with skin cancers in the past, so she is my go-to guru about skin care and natural healing remedies.  This one requires only 3 ingredients . . . avocado, banana and honey. 

3 Ingredients

  1. 1/2 Avocado
  2. 1/2 banana
  3. 1 teaspoon honey

 makes about 2 masks

3 Steps

  1. Mix ingredients.
  2. Apply generously to face.  Let sit for about 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse and apply moisturizer. 

After 10- 15 minutes my skin felt soooo healthy and refreshed without any chemical like residue.  In fact, my skin felt very similar to when I got a chocolate massage in Costa Rica.  They used only ground cocoa beans and the oils from within the beans leaving my skin exfoliated and moisturized at the same time!
